Appearances & Views

The Appearances & Views feature in Perfecto ERP enables users to customize the user interface, defining how data is displayed and accessed. It enhances user experience and ensures the system’s alignment with organizational branding and preferences.


  1. Brand Consistency: Maintain consistency across the ERP system by configuring appearances to reflect the organization’s branding guidelines.
  2. User Adoption: Create intuitive views and layouts that resonate with users, improving navigation and usability.
  3. Personalization: Tailor the user interface to individual preferences, enhancing user satisfaction and productivity.


  1. Branding Alignment: Customize appearances to match the organization’s branding, ensuring a cohesive and professional user experience.
  2. Usability Improvement: Design intuitive views and layouts that facilitate easy navigation and access to relevant information.
  3. User Satisfaction: Enhance user satisfaction by allowing users to personalize the interface according to their preferences, improving overall user experience.

image 31

Desktop Version

image 44

Cloud Version

Appearance Structure

image 30

Desktop Version

image 46

Cloud Version

NameUnique name to identify the appearance rule
PrioritySet the priority to apply this rule in case other rules fits same criteria
Appearance ContextAny : The rule will be applicable to any screen type for the declaring type.
Detail View : The rule will apply exclusively to detail views of the declaring type.
List View : The rule will apply exclusively to list views of the declaring type.
EnabledThis field has three distinct states :
Checked : This means that target items can be edited without any other validations or metadata disabling them.
Unchecked : This means that the target items are not editable.
None : This means that there is no editing effect on the target items.
VisibilityN/A : This means that no visibility effect on the target items.
Hide : This means that target items will be invisible.
Show Empty Space : This means that target items will be invisible and empty space will be shown in place of hidden items.
Show : This means target items will be shown
Font ColorTarget item(s) font color to be applied
Back ColorTarget item(s) back color to be applied
Font StyleN/A : No font style to apply
Regular : Apply regular font
Bold : Apply bold style to target item(s)
Italic : Apply italic style to target item(s)
Underline : Apply underline style to target items(s)
Strikeout : Apply strikeout style to target item(s)
Item TypeView Item : The appearance rule will be applied to fields, and in this case, the target items should represent fields.
Action : The appearance rule will be applied to the specified action/method. In this case, the target items will have no effect.
Layout Item : The appearance rule will be applied to layouts, such as groups or tabs.
MethodSpecify the action/method to apply the appearance rule on, applicable only when the ‘Action’ item type is selected.
Target ItemsTargetElement: An identifier for an individual target element. The element with the specified ‘TargetElement’ is affected.
TargetElement1;TargetElement2: A semicolon-separated list of target element identifiers. All elements listed in this format will be affected.
An asterisk wildcard * . This wildcard signifies that all elements are affected.
*;TargetElement1;TargetElement2: An asterisk wildcard, followed by a semicolon-separated list of target element identifiers. In this case, all elements are affected, except for those specifically listed.
CriteriaThe criteria for which the appearance rule is to be applied. If none is specified, this means that the appearance rule will be applied to all records of the declaring type.
Click here to Learn about Criteria

Appearance Rule in action

Let’s apply some appearance rule to ‘Sales Order’ and see it in action.

image 38

This rule will show blank yellow field when no inventory is selected

image 39

Appearance Rule indicating empty inventory

Now let’s add extra appearance rule to highlight older orders

image 40

This rule will apply Bold style and Font color for orders earlier than today

image 41

Appearance rules in action showing both rules applied at same time